Behind The Desgin
10. October. 2022

Hello, My name is Yuki
Hello, my name’s Yuki and I am clebrating 5 years as the owner of The Tsubaki. I am truly grateful for what I do. My passion for felt allows me to create beautiful and realistic representations of flowers and plants that are inspired by nature.
It also allows me to combine this with being a proud mother of two children. Since I always wanted to be able to create something myself, I dreamed up my shop when their school life began. This started five years ago without knowing how to start or where to turn.
Five years later, there are still many emotions which I go through in running a small business. I’ve experienced many highs and feeling of great joy and satisfaction along with some more difficult moments of great doubt! During these periods, I gain strength from all the positive responses and messages of encouragement from each and every customer.
In my role as a designer, nothing makes me happier than lifting people’s hearts with our products. My overriding objective with my designs is to connect people with nature and the feeling of being free. Due to the pace of life in today’s world, we hope the products will give you a moment to allow you to appreciate nature’s beauty and value. I am constantly exploring and thinking up new designs and patterns, and take great inspiration knowing I am improving and learning every day.
Finally, I would like to thank my family, friends and followers who always watch over me with warm eyes, and I will continue to work hard to move forward and provide a little respite in today’s hectic world.

Felt Rose Free PDF
This is a gift from me. You can download a FREE PDF of how to make felt roses.
We can take a moment to focus just for you. I know you are busy, but I think we can make use of it. Your time is valuable, so I hope you can make it more meaningful.