Holiday Home Decor
20. December. 2021
Five more days till Christmas
I sewed these gingerbread men 5 years ago when I first fell in love with the felt world. ✂️
since becoming a mother, my priorities have completely changed. I love my children more than anything else in the world. Although my husband was always supportive, it was a real challenge to care fore them and do daily housework at the same time.
In my desperate attempt to take care of myself, I spent most of their nap time doing something for myself. Otherwise, I would have lost.
I started with jewelries and then I was into sewing to create kids’ toy foods, That was the very beginning of my creative journey. I’m so grateful that I was able to focus on something I enjoyed and that I could dive into my own world.
I realise more and more how important it is to be kind to yourself and to give yourself a chance to prioritize yourself to make you feel better. Providing meaningful botanical gifts and working as an online florist gave me peace of mind.
With Christmas quickly approaching, I would like to share how my felt flower world turned out this holiday season. One of my favorite things about the holiday season is doing crafts with my kids.
As a 8-year-old, my daughter made Christmas stockings with her first sewing machine, which was so exciting! She made her own pillow case almost on her own later!
Making paper ornaments was another highlight. we cut out so many shapes and glued them together. It was time-consuming, but well worth it. The tree look beautiful with thm!
I hope that you are enjoying the positive vibes and wish you a very merry Christmas!