Felt Super Mini Bouquet with Glass Vase
Tiny bouquet of flowers
Step into the enchanting world of our Felt Flower Miniature Arrangement: Wildflower Bouquet, where gratitude blossoms into elegant gestures and teacher presents are elevated to heartfelt expressions. Handcrafted with love, this miniature arrangement showcases a variety of felt flowers, from forget-me-nots to cosmos and daisies.
►Bouquet Option
– Bouquet 1 : Rose, Daisy, leaf
– Bouquet 2 : Daisy, Baby’s breath
– Bouquet 3 : Ranunculus, Lavender, Eucalyptus
– Bouquet 4 : Forget me not, Baby’s breath
– Bouquet 5 : Cosmos, Daisy, Forget me not, Clover, Lavender
►Dimension :
– Bouquet length; 10cm approximately
– Glass vase : 5cm height, 2.2cm diameter
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