Mini White Lavender Bouquet
Lavender Flowers
This mini white lavender will never fade. Beautiful arrangements of these flowers look wonderful in vases, whether by themselves or in combination with other flowers.
As party favours, they can be tied to guests’ napkins with a name tag or attached to a greeting card you send to a dear friend.
This mini flower selection is made for a small gift or to give to yourself to bring colour and positive energy into lives. It’s also perfect for wedding favors or will you be my bridesmaid gift. Every stem of bloom is unique to give a natural look, reflecting real life nature.
The stem height is 20cm long which makes it easy to place in any small spaces such as a desk, on a shelf, or can be added on a gift box etc.
A glass vase with message is sold in a separate listing here, ►►Clear Glass Vase
This listing allows you to make your personalised artificial flower arrangement. Also other flowers are available. ►► Here
►Dimension :
lavender flowers; 1.5cm*1.5cm*1cm
Length of stem; 20cm