Thank you Card with Mini Bouquet


  • Thank you gift
  • Super mini bouquet with Glass vase
  • Luxury flower card
  • Teacher thank you card
  • Appreciation gift


Thank you Card with Mini Bouquet

Tiny bouquet of flowers

Handcrafted with care, our Thank You Gift combines elegance and gratitude in one beautiful package. 

Featuring a Felt Flower Mini Bouquet delicately arranged in a Clear Glass Vase, accompanied by a luxurious Thank You Card, this gift is designed to express appreciation in a thoughtful and stylish manner. 

Compact and versatile, this gift is ideal for expressing gratitude on any occasion, whether it’s a leaving gift or a token of appreciation for their dedication. Celebrate the special people in your life with our Thank You Gift, a meaningful gesture that will be cherished for years to come.

You can add your personal message on the card. Please leave a note with your message when checkout.

►Card : Ivory 230 GSM Heavy weight 

►Bouquet Option
Bouquet 1 : Rose, Daisy, leaf
Bouquet 2 : Daisy, Baby’s breath
Bouquet 3 : Ranunculus, Lavender, Eucalyptus
Bouquet 4 : Forget me not, Baby’s breath
Bouquet 5 : Cosmos, Daisy, Forget me not, Clover, Lavender

►Dimension :

– Card : 12.5cm x 11cm x 5cm
Bouquet length; 10cm approximately
Glass vase : 5cm height, 2.2cm diameter 

Additional information

Bouquet Option

Bouquet 1, Bouquet 2, Bouquet 3, Bouquet 4, Bouquet 5

Card Option

Thank you for helping me bloom, Thanks a bunch, Thank you

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